We all like to be appreciated. In fact, we all crave the knowledge that our work is appreciated, that our efforts don’t go unnoticed. The power of workplace appreciation simply can’t be understated. The problem is that showing appreciation isn’t always the easiest thing for people. In a professional environment we begin to worry about our actions and if we are, in fact, being professional with our coworkers. We understand your concerns, so we’ve put together this list of simple ways to show your appreciation in the workplace.
1. Take an Interest
One of the single biggest ways you can show appreciation for someone is by taking a genuine interest in them. Treating people like they are just pieces in a machine makes them feel like that’s all of the value they have personally. Ask them how they’re doing. Learn about their interests and take the time to get to know them as people. Remember, we feel valued when people are interested in us, when they’re present, and when they truly appreciate who we are.
2. Surprise the Office
Who doesn’t love a little surprise like donuts, bagels, or some other little treat when they come into the office? It’s a great way to provide some fun for the whole office.
3. Hand Written Notes
While you’re taking the time to set up a little surprise for the office, why not pair it with a handwritten note? These little notes take a small amount of time for a huge impact. It says something to the recipient that you took the time to do this, whether it’s for the whole office or one particular person. Make sure to make them more than generic though, because nothing’s worse than a handwritten form letter.
4. Provide the Opportunity to Grow
Personal growth is huge in most organizations, but finding the time is often placed on the employee alone. Try giving people some time to grow and develop. Take this a step further and become an active mentor. Find out where they want to go in their career, what they need, and what you can do to help. Take the time to invest in them. Nothing says you appreciate them more than taking the time to help them grow.
5. Just Say “Good Job”
Sometimes the simplest thing is just telling people they did well. It seems so simple, but we often forget this one little thing. Think back to the past month at work. Have you ever been so caught up in the flow of the work that you forgot to tell people they were doing well? Don’t feel too bad about it. The truth is we all get caught up in our daily grind and often forget that there were a lot of people involved in our wins. Take the few moments to praise a job well done. It’s simple, costs nothing, and lets you convey appreciation in a genuine way.
How Charles Foster Can Help YOU
If you are an employer looking to fill positions in your company, an employee looking to switch jobs, or someone looking for a brand-new role, please feel free to reach out to us. Our highly skilled team has placed thousands of qualified candidates with excellent jobs over the last 50 years. From finding the right one to being the right one – Charles Foster is here to help.