Can you feel that? Of course, you can. It’s the time of year when everyone in the office can feel every little tick of the second hand, every single passing day on the calendar. It’s easy to be distracted. You have a million things to think about, festivities, gifts, all of that food, but you also need to close the year strong and stay focused. But how do you stay focused at work during the holidays? Here are some tips from us on surviving the holiday countdown and crushing it at work.
Take Some Time Off
The holidays are full of a million things to do, and it’s likely that you’re thinking of them at work. If you have some days off saved up this is a great time to take them and knock out some of those items on your personal to-do list. Go gift shopping. Decorate the house. Get things ready. Then come back to work focused and ready to give it one more awesome push forward.
No Multi-tasking
What if you don’t have any days saved up? You may be tempted to take some time at work to knock out that online shopping or look up some recipes. Don’t do it. Trying to multitask work and personal projects is a great way to be simultaneously ineffective at both of them. Set your mind for work time to be dedicated to your job, and personal time for those tasks. This door goes both ways. Leave your work at work and your personal items outside of it. Trust us, your stress will drop.
Your Just One Person
With all of the parties and festivities going on, both personally and at work, it can be really easy to overcommit. Remember, you’re only one person. There’s a limit to what you can actually do. Saying yes to all of these things, stretching yourself too thin, will destroy your ability to focus and make you crazy. Enjoy all of the fun, take part in activities, but know your limits and stick to them.
Take a Walk
With everything going on it will become very easy to forget about you. You might find yourself tied to your desk or always sitting in your car going here or there. Take some time for you to go for a walk or get some exercise in. Physical activity is one of the very best ways to focus your mind and reduce your stress levels. So give yourself an early present and take some time for you and your health.
Happy Holidays From Charles Foster
Our team at Charles Foster wants to wish you the very happiest of holiday seasons and an amazing New Year. We’re truly honored to be able to provide you with incredible information for both employers and employees. Enjoy this season safely and, if there’s anything we can help you with during this time, or going into a new year, contact the Charles Foster Team.