Does this story sound familiar? The New Year comes, you write down your goals and resolutions and set about your plans to achieve them. Right around March, if not sooner, you find yourself remorseful, withdrawn, and depressed because you didn’t meet them. Is this really unusual for you? Or is this how you approach goals in general? The funny thing about achieving goals, whether they are personal or professional, is that success comes down to mindset.
Goals, Commitments, and the Language of Success
What do you think of when you say the word goal? Have you failed to achieve them in the past? Do you think that’s part of goals? You may be right. Often we behave in ways that line up with what we’ve learned from the world. The word “goal” involves the possibility that we may not succeed. So what if we used a different word? Research says that the words we use impact our subconscious behavior. Instead of saying goal, a word you may have come to associate with the potential to fail, try the word “commitment.”
Think about it. Do you make your commitments? Most of us do. When we make a commitment we work very hard to make sure it happens. It’s a reflection of our integrity whether we keep it or not. For example, do you need to make a certain amount of calls to make your sales goal? Great, then make it a commitment. Commit to making those calls, every day, no matter what. That one little word can make a world of difference.
Transforming Your Goals
But is the language enough? Maybe not. If you’re going to transform your goals into commitments, it’s important that you make yourself accountable. Some of us already do this, but if you haven’t been then that might be the reason you aren’t achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself. Find someone to hold you accountable. Break your commitment down into the outcomes you need for a given day. Create rewards for keeping your commitments and consequences for failure. You’ll find this shift from goals to concrete commitments will help you grow in ways you never imagined.
How Charles Foster Can Help YOU
If you are an employer looking to fill positions in your company, an employee looking to switch jobs, or someone looking for a brand-new role, please feel free to reach out to us. Our highly skilled team has placed thousands of qualified candidates with excellent jobs over the last 50 years. From finding the right one to being the right one – Charles Foster is here to help.